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Faculty of Engineering
Rules and Regulations

Chapter One: The Education System


Article 1: The Engineering Diploma in the Faculty of Engineering is divided over five years, into ten semesters. The diploma currently includes the following departments:

1- Civil Engineering with its various disciplines;

2- Mechanical Engineering with its various disciplines;

3- Electrical & Electronic Engineering with its various disciplines;

4- Chemical Engineering with its various disciplines;

5- Upon the proposal of the Faculty Council and the recommendation of the University Council, the Minister of Culture and Higher Education approves any other department with its various disciplines.


In addition to the above, holders of engineering diplomas, subject of Article 1 and holders of equivalent certificates may enroll in an additional department called the “Department of Graduate Studies”. The Council of the Faculty of Engineering performs the equivalency of such certificates.


Article 2: Each academic year is divided into two semesters (Fall & Spring) based on which teaching is provided.


Article 3: The first four semesters (for the first and second years) consist of the preparatory coursework between the various departments provided for in Article 1. The specialization in one of the Departments of Engineering is selected at the beginning of semester 5 at the student's request and after approval of the Faculty Council.


Article 4: All semesters consist of 16 weeks of actual teaching except for semesters 7, 8 and 9, each consisting of 15 weeks. The final year program includes a training period of at least 8 weeks during summer break. In addition to the above, students of the Mechanical Engineering must perform two internships at the end of semesters 4 and 6, provided that the two periods shall not be less than one month each during summer break.


Article 5: The beginning of the each semester shall be determined as follows:

- Fall semester: Monday, 1st of October

- Spring semester: Between mid-February and mid-March


Article 6: The courses and the credits thereof are determined for the preparatory coursework in accordance with Schedule 1 attached herein.


Article 7: The study in the civil, mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering departments is as follows:

a- Civil Engineering: a common division among all students in this department that includes semesters 5, 6, and 7;

b- Mechanical Engineering: a common division that includes semesters 5, 6, 7 and 8;

c- Electrical & Electronic Engineering: a common division among all students in this department that includes semesters 5, 6, 7 and 8.


Article 8: The courses and the credits thereof are determined for the common divisions mentioned in Article 7 according to Schedules 2, 3 and 4 attached herein.


Article 9: The semesters that follow the common division in each of the departments, subject of Article 7 are dedicated to specialization and contain mandatory and elective courses, as shown in Schedules 5, 6 and 7. These courses may be modified whenever needed on the academic and technical development levels, upon the proposal of the Faculty Council and the approval of the University President.


Article 10: At the proposal of the Faculty Council and the approval of the University Council, new disciplines shall be created and others may be cancelled, whenever needed. The Faculty of Engineering is also entitled to conduct workshops for engineers working in all sectors.


Article 11: The number of teaching hours per week shall not be less than 25 hours in the specialization semesters, subject of Article 9, except for semester 10, where the number of teaching hours varies from 4 to 12 hours per week, plus 32 specialization semester hours for each student to supervise the end-of-year project.


Article 12: The Faculty of Engineering provides courses in three languages: Arabic, French and English. Upon the proposal of the Faculty Council, the University Council shall prescribe the teaching language in each course. Starting from semester 5, the student will be able to pursue the courses in any of the three languages.


Chapter Two: Enrollment at the faculty in preparation for Engineering Diploma


Article 13: The enrollment at the Faculty of Engineering at the Lebanese University is for the semesters 1 or 5, and occurs according to a special examination conducted for this purpose.


A- Enrollment in semester 1:


Article 14: Holders of the Lebanese baccalaureate in Mathematics and Experimental Sciences or Technical Baccalaureate or holders of equivalent certificates are accepted to participate in the competitive entrance exam (CEE) to semester 1, within the disciplines taught by the Faculty of Engineering. The number allocated to non-Lebanese holders of certificates equivalent to Lebanese certificates, is determined at the beginning of each year on the proposal of the Faculty Council and the approval of the University President.


Article 15: The CEE for semester 1, first year, at the Faculty of Engineering consists of the following mandatory subjects with their respective coefficient:




Arabic language


French or English language











Questions should not exceed the level of the Lebanese baccalaureate.


Article 16: All examinations shall be in writing and take place in the location and time specified in accordance with the regulations in force at the University.


Article 17: Specific examination committees shall carry out the correction for this purpose in strict confidentiality and two correctors at least shall correct each copy. Each corrector will put the scores separately and then, the average is determined before the opening of the copy. If the scores (highest and lowest) are different by more than ten percent, the same Committee shall re-correct and the scores are set over twenty and multiplied by the relevant coefficient.


Article 18: The student, who is absent at any exam, shall have a zero as a score.


Article 19: The elimination mark is a score that is less than five over twenty in any of the subjects contained in Article 15. In the event that the student obtains at least one elimination mark, he/she shall be deemed to have failed the exam and shall be excluded therefrom regardless of the results.


Article 20: The total passing average in the CEE is twelve over twenty (12/20). If the student obtains a score lower than 12/20, he/she is considered to have failed no matter how minimal and shall not be entitled to any re-sit exam whatever the value is small.


Article 21: The examination committees shall be appointed for the CEE at least one week in advance. Each subject will have at least two correctors. Different committees may be appointed for one subject, provided that these committees designate in advance a standard method of correction following the decision of the University President and the suggestion of the Faculty Council.


Article 22: The University shall determine at least one week before the date of the CEE, the maximum number of students to be admitted in each branch of the Faculty. The passing students are selected in accordance with the priorities of their scores and overall average. Such averages are taken into consideration without any other considerations whatsoever.


Article 23: All announcements related to the examination will be posted on the bulletin board at the center of each branch of the Faculty. The concerned parties are responsible to view it, including the results, and no excuses will be accepted in this regard for whatever reasons.


Article 24: The passing student whose name is on the list of applicants accepted for enrollment must register at the Faculty with a deadline of one week from the date of posting the results. If he fails to register within this period, he loses his right to enrollment, and the first passing person named on the waiting list shall be selected, with no excuses accepted in this regard for whatever reasons. The student passing the examination is enrolled for one university year and is not entitled to enrollment in other years.


B- Enrollment in semester 5:


Article 25: Admission to participate in the CCE for semester 5 in one of the engineering specializations taught at the Faculty shall be limited to students who meet one of the following conditions:

1- Students of the Faculty of Sciences at the Lebanese University enrolled at the departments of mathematics, physics and chemistry, who successfully completed the first cycle and then continued to study courses with a total of no less than 29 credits, provided that they have succeeded in a total of 20 credits. The Faculty of Engineering shall determine the list of such courses.

2- Students who have obtained the Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Sciences at the Lebanese University in the above three departments or the equivalent thereof. The University President shall decide on this equivalence upon the recommendation of the Faculty Council.

3- Students of the Institute of Applied Sciences and Economics at the Lebanese University (CNAM-ISAE) who have obtained the certificate of: First Technological Cycle Diploma


Article 26: The CEE for semester 5 at the Faculty of Engineering consists of the following subjects:

a- Foreign language

b- Mathematics

c- Physics

d- Chemistry

e- General mechanics

f- Mechanical materials

g- IT

The level of questions should exceed the level of semester 4 in the Faculty of Engineering.


Article 27: All examinations shall be written and conducted at the time and place determined by the Faculty of Engineering.


Article 28: Upon the proposal of the Dean and the approval of the University President, a committee composed of professors in the Faculty of Engineering shall prepare the questions and correct the exams in strict confidentiality. Two correctors will correct each copy separately and the grade is set over hundred then multiplied by the coefficient assigned thereto in Article 36, and the average of the two scores is given before opening the copy. In the event of a difference exceeding ten grades between the two scores, the committee shall re-correct the copy.


Article 29: If the candidate did not attend the exam or did not submit the copy, he/she shall receive a zero as a grade.


Article 30: The eliminatory mark shall be determined in each course of the exam in accordance with the attached table and the specializations provided in the Faculty. In case the student obtains an eliminatory mark, he/she shall be considered to have failed the exam, whatever scores he obtained in the other courses.


Article 31: The total average passing grade in the exam is 60/100 (sixty marks) and the candidate who obtains an average less than the total average passing grade is considered to have failed.


Article 32: The examination committees are appointed at least one week prior to the CEE date and two correctors shall correct each course.


Article 33: The Lebanese University determines at least one week prior to the CEE date the maximum number of students to be admitted in each specialization and each branch of the Faculty. This number shall not exceed in any case whatsoever 10% of the students in each specialization and the students passing from semester 4, according to the priority of their scores and their average grades without any other considerations whatsoever.


Article 34: The right to enroll is for one year and no student succeeding in this exam shall retain the right to join semester 5 of the next year.


Article 35: Passing students who are admitted to pursue their studies in the Faculty are invited to attend an intensive engineering training course and workshops conducted throughout September before the beginning of the academic year.


Article 36: The coefficient of each course in semester 5 exam and the eliminatory mark shall be determined according to Schedule 8 attached herein.


Chapter Three: Examinations


Article 37: In addition to the end-of-semester exam, the student shall sit to at least one exam in each course during the semester and the grades of these exams shall be included in the general average by their credit number.


Article 38: In each course, the score shall be set from zero to one hundred. The score of the course obtained from the related examinations during, and at the end of the semester shall be in accordance with a special system set by the Faculty.


Article 39: The following distinctions are awarded to students who obtain a certain percentage with the final grade of the semester as follows:



Percentage of final grade


Between 60/100 and less than 70/100


Between 70/100 and less than 80/100

Very Good

Between 80/100 and less than 90/100


90 and above


Article 40: The failure in any of the academic years entitles the student to restart the year in which he failed, provided that the total average of his grades is not less than 40/100. Otherwise, the student is considered to be completely dismissed from the University. In no case shall he/she be entitled to restart the year in which he/she has failed more than once.


Article 41: The student passes from Fall to the Spring semester if:

1- He/she obtains 60/100 in each course

2- He/she obtains a weighted average of not less than 58% and a final score of not less 60% in more than two courses, provided that the score of any of them is not less than 50%.


Article 42: A student is considered to have failed the semester if he/she obtains:

1- Less than 60/100 in two courses and the score in one of them is less than 50/100

2- Less than 58/100 as weighted average

3- A weighted average less than 58/100 and less than 60/100 in three courses


Article 43: The student passes from one year to another in the following cases:

1- If he/she obtains 60/100 in each course of Fall and Spring semesters

2- If the total of both weighted average of Fall and Spring semesters is not less than 60/100 and the student did not obtain in more than two courses a final grade less than 60/100 provided that the score of any of the two courses is not less than 50/100.


Article 44: The foreign language score shall not be included in the general average. The student shall be considered to have passed this course if he/she obtains an annual average of not less than 60/100. If the annual average is less than this percentage, the student is subject to a re-sit exam in September. If the final score (after the re-sit exam) of the language course is below 60/100, the student has to repeat the course in which he/she failed during the following academic year. The student is not allowed to pass to semester 5 before he/she have successfully completed all courses of the foreign language in the preparatory coursework.


Article 45: If the student receives at the end of the semester a weighted average of not less than 60/100, except for one single course in which he/she obtained a score between 40 and 50, the student will be subject to a re-sit exam in this course. The examination committee shall correct the exam and if the final score is less than 50/100, the student is considered to have failed the academic year.


Article 46: In the event that the student is absent from the examination for force majeure, the assessment of such reasons is the sole responsibility of the Faculty Administration.


Chapter Four: General Provisions


Article 47: The Faculty Council shall decide on all academic problems that may arise from the implementation of these bylaws.


Article 48: All regulatory texts contrary to the provisions of these bylaws or not conforming to its content shall be repealed.


Article 49: The Ministry of National Education and Fine Arts will present this subject to the Cabinet.


Article 50: The President of the Lebanese University shall have the right to amend Schedules 5, 6 and 7, subject of Article 9, cancel existing specializations, and create new specializations, subject of Article 10 herein, whenever necessary.


Article 51: These bylaws shall be published and communicated, where necessary.


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