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Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture
Rules and Regulations

Chapter one: Mission & Objective of the Faculty


Article 1: The mission of the Faculty is to provide all students with scientific, knowledge and artistic attainment to prepare them on the artistic and scientific levels and provide them with the expertise and scientific, methodological, technical and artistic bases to become creative in the various disciplines of the Faculty. They shall become responsible for spreading the artistic, visual and architectural culture in the society, enhancing its openness to civilization, and expanding the scientific, cultural and technical cooperation with the outside world.


Article 2: The Faculty aims to achieve the following objectives:

1- Cooperating and consulting with public and private administrations, institutions and bodies in order for the teaching to become compatible with the actual needs of the labor market and the development of those needs, and to secure employment opportunities for graduates.

2- Organizing, coordinating and encouraging research and studies of national architectural and art research and studies, and comparative arts studies, and encouraging members of the Teaching Staff and graduate students to carry out these researches and publish them.

3- Organizing artistic conferences aimed at drawing on the arts expertise and achievements of the leading artists and architects, and making constructive recommendations that lead to the upgrading of fine arts and architecture.

4- Cooperating with higher education institutions that deal with arts and architectural studies.

5- Organizing various arts and architectural competitions and exhibitions.

6- Participating in international arts and architectural conferences and activities.

7- Providing training courses for the public and private sectors in the Faculty artistic fields and contributing to the development of graduates and emerging institutions from the architectural and artistic aspects.


Chapter Two: Diplomas, Specializations, Departments & Centers


Article 3: The Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture includes the following specializations and centers:

A- Bachelor and Master

1- Architecture

2- Interior Design

3- Fine Arts

4- Theater and Audiovisual

5- Graphic Design, Sketching and Visual Communication


B- Specialized Master:

1- Building Regulation

2- Landscaping Architecture

3- Restoration

4- Scenography

5- Master of Research in Architecture and Landscaping

6- Master of Research in Fine Arts


C- Center for Research and Studies in Arts and Architecture.

Upon the proposal of the Faculty Council, the University Council may add new specializations according to the labor market needs and the availability of physical and academic resources for implementation.


Article 4: The Faculty provides to its students:

A- In each specialization:

1- Bachelor’s Degree

2- Master’s Degree

B- In Specialized Master:

Specialized Postgraduate Diploma.


Article 5: The Bachelor’s Degree includes the following majors:

1- Architecture.

2- Interior Design.

3- Fine Arts.

4- Theater and Audiovisual.

5- Acting.

6- Cinematic and Television Techniques.

7- Graphic Design, Sketching and Visual Communication.


Article 6: The Master’s Degree includes the following majors:

1- Architecture.

2- Interior Design.

A- Interior Architecture.

B- Industrial Design.

3- Fine Arts:

Disciplines in Fine Arts:

A- Art photography.

B- Mural Arts (fresque, mosaics, stained glass).

C- Art studies.

D- Sculpture.

E- Typography (Digging, Lithography, Serigraphy).

F- Pottery and glass.

G- Tapestry.

H- Icons and miniatures.

I- Art criticism.

4- Theater – Audiovisual:

Disciplines in Theater:

A- Performing Arts (Pantomime and Drama Dance).

B- Actor Training.

C- Theater, cinematography and audiovisual studies.

D- Script writing.

E- Theater directing.

Disciplines in Audiovisual:

A- Audiovisual.

B- Directing.

C- Management and production.

D- Photography Management.

5- Graphic Design, Sketching and Visual Communication:

A- Graphic Design and Visual Communication.

B- Sketching.

C- Advertising and Art Directing.

D- Typography and Book Binding.

E- Web pages and games design.

F- Multimedia.

G- Illustrations and caricatures.


Article 7: The Research Master includes the following majors:

1- Building Regulation:

A- Master in Building Regulation.

B- Research Master in Urban and Environmental Sciences.

2- Landscaping Architecture:

A- Master in Landscaping Architecture.

B- Research Master in Science of Landscape Architecture.

3- Specialized Postgraduate Studies in Restoration:

A- Specialized Master in Restoration

4- Scenography:

A- Master in Scenography (cinema, theater and TV).

5- Master of Research in Architecture and Landscaping.

6- Master of Research in Fine Arts.


Article 8: The Faculty shall determine the content of the vocational training and the communication mechanisms between the advisor and the person in charge of the training process in the faculty.


Article 9: A student who completed his / her bachelor or master's degree in one of the approved majors may register on a second major in order to obtain a second bachelor or master's degree. The Faculty Council shall determine the admission requirements and the required decisions for each case, in accordance with the Faculty's bylaws and the required degree. A student may not enroll in more than one specialization at the Faculty.


Chapter Three: Student Admission System


Article 10: Entrance exams shall be organized by a decision of the University Council upon the recommendation of the Faculty Council, specifying the maximum number of students who can be accepted based on the result of the exam in each specialization.


The entrance exam for the bachelor degree includes tests in the following courses:


Test Duration (H)







Fine Arts

Graphic Design Sketching

Interior design










General Culture (Arabic)








General Culture (Foreign Language)
















Drawing arts
















Ability to imagine








Artistic competence








Psychological and Intellectual Balance


Note: *Required course.


Article 11: The student applying for the bachelor degree shall meet the following requirements:

1- Holding Lebanese High-School Diploma (Lebanese baccalaureate) or its official equivalent.

2- Passing the entrance exams.


Article 12: The student is considered to have passed the entrance exams if he/she scores at least 50/100 in the total score and the following is considered a null score:

A- Every “Zero” taken in any course of the exam courses;

B- Every score less than 20/100 in the required courses of each specialization.


Article 13: Passing students shall be admitted in accordance with the sequence of their scores in the entrance exams and within the number referred to in Article (10).


Article 14: The student admission requirements, their number and the entrance exam courses may be modified by a decision of the University Council upon the proposal of the Faculty Council.


Article 15: The admitted candidate shall proceed with his registration within the time limit determined by the Faculty Dean by a circular placed on the Faculty bulletin board and the University website, under the loss of the admission right and his/her replacement with other candidates according to the above-mentioned sequence.


Article 16: New students enrolled in the Faculty are subject to a foreign language test conducted by the Office of Foreign Language Coordination at the Lebanese University in coordination with the Faculty Council.


Article 17: Each student receiving a score of less than 50/100 in the foreign language test, shall be subject to pursue an intensive course in this language and sit for an exam at the end of the course and succeed as a prerequisite for academic registration in foreign language courses adopted in the Faculty curricula.


Article 18: The student applying from outside the Lebanese University for a bachelor degree in the same specialization, shall be subject to entrance exams conducted by the Faculty in accordance with the established rules.


Article 19: The Faculty is entitled to accept students graduating from other universities to apply for the master’s degree, provided that their percentage does not exceed 10% of the total admissions in each specialization, as follows:

1- Holding a bachelor degree from an accredited university and its official equivalent in the specializations granted by the Faculty;

2- Obtaining an average rate of at least 80/100 in the bachelor degree;

3- Meeting the terms of assessment of students (entrance exam, file study, exams ...) approved by the University Council following the proposal of the Faculty Council.


Article 20: Students admitted for a bachelor or master's degree and who have studied at other universities or at one of the Lebanese University faculties, may request the equivalence of some courses they have previously obtained. This request is based on the equivalency system identifying the terms for recognition of credits received outside the Faculty. The equivalency system is issued by the Faculty Dean based on the proposal of the Faculty Council following the recommendation of the relevant department council. This equivalency system shall not contradict with the general equivalency system at the Lebanese University, and the total balance shall not exceed (60) credits in the bachelor degree and (30) credits in the master’s degree.


Chapter Four: Registration & Attendance System


Article 21: The student shall complete his/her academic registration at least one week prior to the commencement of teaching in the semester, and shall use the accredited academic guidance teachers for this purpose.


Article 22: The student has the right to reconsider his/her academic registration within one week at the latest from the commencement of teaching in the semester. He/she may also cancel this registration in some courses within two weeks at most from the beginning of the semester.


Article 23: Attendance is compulsory in all courses. The student is considered to have failed the course if the attendance rate is less than 70% in the theoretical courses and 80% in the practical courses of the number of hours assigned to each course, unless the student provided an acceptable excuse and compelling reasons approved by the Faculty Council.


Chapter Five: Evaluation and Examination System


Article 24: The final score assigned to each course at the end of the semester consists of a total of the continuous assessment score that determines its mechanism and percentage in the detailed description of the content of each course and ranges between 20-40% of the final score of the course. The exam score and the final project ranges between 60-80% of the final score of the course, upon a decision of the Faculty Council based on the recommendations of the Branch Councils after taking into consideration the opinion of the competent council departments.


Article 25: In the continuous assessment, various evaluation methods are used for partial written exams, preparation of reports, research and implementation of the applied work mentioned in the detailed description of the content of each course.


Article 26: In the event that the student fails to sit for partial exam in the semester for reasons of coercion or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization ...), the Faculty Council shall take the appropriate decision following the proposal of the relevant branch council.


Article 27: Joint committees, appointed by the Faculty Dean from the academic departments in all branches, shall determine the mandatory mechanisms for the methodology of arbitration of practical and applied projects in all years, after approval of the Faculty Council at the beginning of each academic year.


Article 28: The student who did not sit for the exam in the first session, regardless of the excuses and reasons, receives a zero in the final written exam and keeps the score of the continuous assessment for the second session. If he does not sit for this exam in the second session for forced reasons or force majeure (death of a family member, emergency hospitalization…), a re-sit exam may be held by a decision of the University President following the proposal of the Faculty Council based on the recommendation of the Branch Council.


Article 29: The success rate of the courses depends on the following:

A- A student shall not pass the course unless he receives a final score of 50/100;

B- The results are not considered final until after the approval of the Colloquy Committee.


Article 30: The specialization courses are interrelated in all departments, except for the Fine Arts Department. The student is considered to have passed if he/she receives 50/100 as the final score for the two semesters, provided that the score of each semester is not less than 40/100.


Article 31: Students are only allowed to apply for the final project in the bachelor and master's degrees after successful completion of the preliminary project (or program and idea of the project: in the bachelor degree). The student is allowed to redo the preliminary project in the following semester, provided that the final project is arbitrated in the first semester of next year.


Article 32: The student has the right to submit an application to prove that there is no material error in a course score, within three days at the latest from the date of announcing the result of this course. The examining committee shall inspect the student exam under the supervision of the branch director and the head of the concerned department. If there is a material error, the score shall be amended according to the rules and by consensus of the attendees.


Article 33: The late student is not entitled to enter the examination room. No student is allowed to leave the examination room before the expiration of half an hour.


Chapter Six: Miscellaneous Provisions


Article 34: The student may move from one university branch to another within the Faculty by a decision of the Faculty Council, provided that:

1- He/she applies for transfer within 15 days prior to the commencement of teaching in the semester;

2- He/she has completed a total of 60 credits at least in the branch where the studies began;

3- The directors of the two branches concerned approve after studying the student's academic file.


Article 35: Applied or practical courses are carried out in classes of 15 students in the bachelor degree and 12 students in the master’s degree. Each increase is equal to half the number plus one, which requires the creation of additional classes to allow the professor to take note and follow up the work of students.


Article 36: The curricula of the bachelor and master's degrees in the Faculty shall be determined in accordance with the attached academic curricula. These curricula shall be modified upon the proposal of the Faculty Council and the approval of the University Council.


Article 37: This decision shall be effective and communicated where necessary.


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