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MORALE: Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision: towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees
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(13/6/2024) تعميم رقم 6 الإعلان عن بدء قبول الطلبات لبرامج دعم الأبحاث المقدمة من أفراد الهيئة التعليمية في الجامعة اللبنانية للعام 2024
تعلن الجامعة اللبنانية عن بدء قبول طلبات دعم مشاريع الأبحاث المقدّمة من أفراد الهيئة التعليمية للعام 2024. يتضمن الإعلان ثلاثة برامج دعم كما يلي: 1. البرنامج العام لدعم الأبحاث الأساسية المقدّمة م(...)

(11/6/2024) Administrative Memo No. 8 Determining Eid al-Adha holiday
On the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, the courses and administrative work in all faculties, branches, university centers and the Central Administration will be suspended from 17-19 June 2024. Teaching s(...)

(3/6/2024) The DSST is receiving applications for PhD candidacy (2024-2025)
The administration of the Doctoral School of Science & Technology announces the start of accepting applications for PhD candidacy for the year 2024-2025, starting from 5 June 2024 until 28 June 2024, (...)

(3/6/2024) The DSST is organizing a PhD course entitled "Sustainability of land resources"
The Doctoral School of Science & Technology (DSST) is organizing a PhD course in Food and Environmental Sciences entitled "Sustainability of land resources" between 24-27 June 2024 starting from 9:00 (...)

(31/5/2024) Take part in the 6th edition of the RFI - AUF Young Writers Prize
For more information, click below: https://www.auf.org/nouvelles/actualites/participez-la-6e-edition-du-prix-rfi-auf-des-jeunes-ecritures/

(31/5/2024) MS Description and Curriculum - Faculty of Science
Master 1 Professional Programs: Description & Curriuclum Master 2 Programs: Description & Curriuclum Major: Biochemistry & Biology Major: Chemistry Major: Informatics (...)

(20/5/2024) FS is receiving applications for equivalencies and exemptions for students from outside the LU
The Dean of the Faculty of Science, Prof. Ali Kanj, announces the start of receiving applications for equivalencies and exemptions for students coming from outside the Lebanese University for all majo(...)

(19/4/2024) The UMC offers special rates for laboratory tests to LU students
For further information, please call +961 5 470 981 Location: Lebanese University - Rafic Hariri University Campus Hadath

(13/12/2023) روزنامة الفصول الدراسية والامتحانات في كلية التربية للعام الجامعي 2023 – 2024
قـرار رقـم 84/ت روزنامة كليّة التربية للعام الجامعي 2023 - 2024 إنّ عميد كليّة التربية، بناءً على القرار رقم 1339 تاريخ 30/6/2020 (تكليف الدكتور خليل الجمّال بمهام عمادة كليّة التربية)، بناءً ع(...)
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Recent Articles
(13/6/2024) - الجامعة اللبنانية تفوز بالجائزتين الأولى والثالثة من مسابقة "الجسر الصيني" (...)

فازت الطالبة فيفيان الغزال/سنة ثانية لغة صينية في مركز اللغات والترجمة - الجامعة اللبنانية، بالجائزة الأولى من مسابقة "الجسر الصيني/إتقان اللغة الصينية" بنسختها الثالثة والعشرين التي نُظّمت في بيرو(...)

(12/6/2024) - افتتاح قاعة المُحاكمات الصُّوَرية في كلية الحقوق (3)

افتتحت كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية والإدارية الفرع الثالث في الجامعة اللبنانية قاعة المُحاكمات الصُّورية، وذلك برعاية وحضور السفير التركي في لبنان علي باريش اولوسوي ورئيس الجامعة اللبنانية الدكتو(...)

(12/6/2024) - كلية التربية تنظم مؤتمر "تحولات التربية والتعليم في زمن الذكاء الاصطناعي" ب(...)

نظمت كلية التربية في الجامعة اللبنانية مؤتمرها السنوي تحت عنوان "تحوّلات التربية والتعليم في زمن الذكاء الاصطناعي التحديات والفرص والآفاق"، وذلك برعاية وحضور وزير التربية والتعليم العالي في حكومة (...)

(11/6/2024) - Tabet and Karam win the ping-pong tournament at the FFAA (Branch 2)

Dr. Peter Tabet and student Mia Karam won the titles of the table tennis tournament organized at the Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture (Branch 2) with the participation of a group of professors a(...)

(11/6/2024) - LU alumnus Dr. Mostafa Abdulrahim receives International Fellowship Award i(...)

Dr. Mostafa Abdulrahim, a graduate of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, received the International Fellowship Award for Excellence in recognition of his contributions to the advancement of neurosurgica(...)

(10/6/2024) - LU researchers participate in the book "AI in the Age of Nanotechnology"

A group of professors and researchers at the Lebanese University co-authored chapters of Artificial Intelligence in the Age of Nanotechnology, published by IGI Global Publisher as part of the Advan(...)

(10/6/2024) - Various sports activities in Saida and Nabatiyeh branches

The Faculty of Technology (Branch 1) team won the mini-football tournament organized by Branches 5, beating the Faculty of Public Health scoring 5-3 in the final match, in addition to the teams of (...)

(7/6/2024) - Blood Donation Campaign at the Faculty of Engineering (Branch 3)

Under the slogan "Be generous with your blood and save a life", the Lebanese Red Cross Club at the Lebanese University, in cooperation with the Lebanese Red Cross Blood Bank, organized a blood dona(...)

(7/6/2024) - The Faculty of Agronomy celebrates World Environment Day

The Faculty of Agronomy celebrated World Environment Day and organized a symposium that addressed several topics, most notably: Climate Change, Climate Change and the Law, Climate Change between Co(...)

(7/6/2024) - UMC check-up campaign at Baabda Co-educational Public School

A medical and health team from the University Medical Center at the Lebanese University visited Baabda Mixed Public School and examined various health conditions of the students, including their gr(...)

(6/6/2024) - Training in bibliographic reference management using Zotero

Students from the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Public Health, and the Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences took part in a training course on bibliographic reference management using "Zotero", (...)

(6/6/2024) - Lebanese University students excel at University Sports Federation champion(...)

The Lebanese University took part in the annual celebration organized by the Universities Sports Federation, during which it distributed team awards at the end of its 2023-2024 sports season, in th(...)

(6/6/2024) - FFAA (Branch 4) takes part in a seminar for the Deir al-Qamar Agricultural (...)

The Faculty of Fine Arts & Architecture (Branch 4) took part in a seminar organized by the Deir al-Qamar Agricultural Center, which discussed the center's activities in the Chouf region. The FF(...)

(4/6/2024) - Orientation tours and introductions to the specializations of the Faculty o(...)

The Faculty of Pedagogy organized remote orientation tours in a number of public and private high schools in order to introduce final grade students and members of the teaching and administrative s(...)

(4/6/2024) - President Badran Opens Dialogue with Student Councils from Saida and Nabati(...)

President Bassam Badran opened the dialogue with the student councils from the university's institutes and faculties in Saida and Nabatieh, in a meeting hosted by the Institute of Social Sciences ((...)

(28/5/2024) - The Lebanese University excels locally and globally in pharmacy, engineerin(...)

The Lebanese University was ranked among the first 100 global universities (51-100) in petroleum engineering, the first 150 global universities (101-150) in pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, an(...)

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