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27/5/2024 - كلية طب الأسنان تحتفل بتخريج دفعة طلابها للعام الجامعي 2022 – 2023

Under the patronage and in the presence of President Bassam Badran, the Faculty of Dental Medicine celebrated the graduation of a new class of students (2022-2023), at a ceremony held at the Rafic Hariri University Campus - Hadath.


The ceremony was attended by a number of academic, ministerial and trade union figures.


In his speech, President Badran said that the graduation ceremony was not just a sign of success, but rather recognition of the completion of the university role of providing its students with the experience and tools they need to access the job market with confidence and knowledge.


President Badran pointed out that the graduation ceremony coincided with the FMD achievement of full and unconditional accreditation for five years, testifying to the development of its programs, which offer comprehensive teaching methods and advanced professional expertise.


He added: "What sets the FMD apart, in addition to its teaching and technical staff, is its treatment center, equipped with modern facilities and everything a typical clinic needs. It provides various therapeutic services to different segments of society in direct response to the concept of social responsibility that the university applies on the one hand, and in order to achieve its central objectives of transforming itself into a productive university on the other."


President Badran underlined the importance of the cooperation agreement signed between the FMD and the American Global Smile Foundation, which cares for children with cleft lips and open palates. This agreement is the first of its kind in Lebanon and in the MENA region.


Finally, President Badran addressed the graduates: "Your graduation today is the result of the hard work and effort you have put in, and this moment represents the beginning of a new journey, not only of challenges, but also of achievements that you will accomplish in your fields of work".


To conclude the ceremony, certificates were presented to the graduates by Dr. Rahif Al Tawil, husband of the late Dr. Nadwa Chatila, whose class was named after her.





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