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Concours d'entrée
Concours d'entrée aux différentes facultés pour l'année académique 2023-2024
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5/5/2019 - The Lebanese University organized a conference on "Studies in Archeology and Heritage” to highlight discoveries and restoration projects for archaeological finds



A conference on " Studies in Archaeology and Heritage " was organized by the Lebanese University at the National Library, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Antiquities, in the presence of Eng. Sarkis El-Khoury, General Director of Antiquities, Dr. Hassan Akra, General Director of the National Library, Professor Ahmed Rabah, Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Dr. Marwan Abu Fadel, Director of the Faculty, in addition to professors, students and interested parties.


The General Director of Antiquities began his speech by underlining the historical relationship between the Ministry of Culture and the Lebanese University, which has always been the main partner of the General Directorate of Antiquities in its quest for preserving, protecting and enhancing the heritage and antiquities in Lebanon. The General Directorate of Antiquities of the Ministry of Culture launched a cultural promotion strategy, with the support of the government, in which it defined its mission, objectives, and initiatives to enhance and preserve historical and heritage monuments throughout Lebanon. It also sought to encourage the government to invest in culture because of its economic and social returns. The Ministry is trying, in cooperation with the government and donors, to provide funds to finance this strategy.


Afterwards, Professor Rabah delivered a speech in which he praised "the efforts made to hold such conferences for information, knowledge and benefit".


The two-day conference aimed at shedding light on the archaeological discoveries and restoration projects that have taken place and are still in progress in Lebanon. It aspires to be a platform for researchers, including archaeologists and historians, to exchange knowledge in the field of art and archaeology, and to give archaeology the value it deserves.


The conference focused on three areas: excavations, preventive preservation and museum science, archaeology and religious heritage.











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