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National Erasmus+ and INJAZ Lebanon invite you to participate in a survey on students and youth opportunities

Your Voice matters in shaping your Future


As part of a collaborative effort on youth and students opportunities, the National Erasmus+ Office in Lebanon and INJAZ Lebanon are thrilled to hear from you!


You are invited to participate in a survey about students and youth opportunities. The aim of the survey is to understand your accessibility to opportunities - education, training, volunteering and work opportunities – and the challenges you might be facing. The survey also aims to gain insight about your knowledge of the Erasmus+ programme and its various opportunities for the youth and students.


Based on the survey results, future intervention actions will be administered to help you look up opportunities such as those of the Erasmus+ programme and learn more about it.


We assure you that your responses are completely anonymous and the personal data will not under any circumstances be disclosed to or used by any party.


The survey can be accessed at:


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