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15/7/2024 - LU opens an electronics factory in partnership with TAG Global Lebanon


The Lebanese University, in partnership with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global Group, inaugurated an assembly and production plant for electronic devices at the Pierre Gemayel Campus - Fanar, under the patronage and presence of Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati and in the presence of Minister of Education & Higher Education, Abbas Halabi, Minister of Industry George Boujikian, Minister of Information Ziad Makary, Minister of Youth & Sports George Kallas, President Bassam Badran, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global Group President Burhan Al-Ashkar, current and former ministers and deputies, industrial, economic, academic and scientific personalities.


President Bassam Badran described the inauguration of the factory as an exceptional event in the university's history, an event that opens a new era in which the Lebanese University turns into a productive teaching and research university by entering the field of manufacturing with strength and determination.


Mr. Burhan Ashqar delivered the speech of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, who expressed his love for Lebanon and its virtues, pointing out that this factory is a partnership with Lebanon represented by the Lebanese University.


Minister Boujikian considered the opening of the first factory for the assembly and production of electronic devices at the Lebanese University as a bold initiative, an ambitious step and a promising future vision to achieve real integration and partnership between the production loop, academic education, students and the private sector.


Minister Halabi said that the opening of the factory takes the university to a new stage and transforms it into a productive institution, raising its academic and scientific quality and placing it in the ranks of universities that combine science and technology.


President Mikati delivered a speech in which he emphasized the exceptionality of the organization and the circumstances, describing the opening of the factory as a wonderful step that goes hand in hand with the efforts made by the Lebanese University in a short period of time, which restored its luster and its distinguished scientific and professional position internally and externally.





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